Tressa's love of horses has inspired her quest to educate anyone who is willing to listen. It's about our equestrian community reconnecting with the passion we all started out with, for our horses. This is why we should all find great interest in learning all we can and bettering ourselves for the relationship we desire to have with our horses. To become not just people that ride horses, but truly embrace horsemanship and develop substance in our riding culture once again. This is what Tressa strongly believe is missing in today's riding world. " We need to slow down and pay attention to the nuances that all great horsemen prided themselves in."
Educational Topics -The fundamentals of Lunging -The rider's equitation and ways to improve -how to achieve connection and how it leads to contact (on the bit) without force -understanding the trainings scale -Straightness what it means and how to achieve it -The movements and exercises in dressage and their purpose -the psychology of learning and what it takes to evolve in your riding - Come up with a topic you would like to learn about |